Before you create a complaint case

If your product runs skewed, in 95% of cases the truck must be set!

Not covered by your right of complaint!

The right of complaint does not cover products that are not set up correctly. A 'skewed' board or roller skate, is usually found within the sport, and can be solved very easily! See how you do below.

1) Skateboard 2) Skateboard
1) Start by loosening the large nut (king pin nut) on the truck. 2) Turn the truck slightly to loosen it. Now place the 'hanger' in the middle and tighten the nut again.
1) Side by side 2) Side by side
3) Start by loosening the large nut (king pin nut) on the truck. 4) Turn the truck slightly to loosen it. Now place the 'hanger' in the middle and tighten the nut again.



Is it still running skewed?

Then you are welcome to create a complaint with us.
You can create a complaint after you have checked the checkbox below:

I HAVE tried to set the truck on my product.
Start your Complaint